This is a great starter guide to your first prenatal appointment with your client!
I have done all the organizing and typing up for you! Easy to follow and use with every client you have. All you have to do is print and go!
It includes:
- Contract with Space for your Name and Details
- Client Intake Form
- Birth Decisions- Interventions based
- Birth Decisions- Visual (You can talk over it and adjust for each client-this is a great guide to start)
- Birth Plan-a more creative, thoughtful plan with environment, coping techniques and music etc
- Mom Expectations in Labor
- For the Partner (A short guide)
- Epidural
- Gentle Surgical Birth Overview
- Post Partum Care List (What to Buy/Make/Have Ready)
- Breastfeeding Basics
The photos are just some examples but you will get everything listed above!
You will be emailed a PDF packet (zip file) to download.