Virtual Doula Coaching Program
Regular price
Are you an aspiring doula? Need someone to talk to about doula life or starting your business? Need some expert chat on Social Media?
I have been a doula for over 5 years. I have been to hospital and birth center births. I have started my website and social media with success. I have had 2 babies unmedicated and 5 miscarriages.
If you follow me at @theladoula, you know how passionate I am about birth!
I can help you with all aspects of your doula journey. From classes to take to what platform to use for your website. We can talk about pre-natals and how to best service your clients or what filter to use on your photos!
**A 45 min block to chat and talk about all things doula and your goals
**The New Doula Handbook- which offers tons of tips and tricks in a handy PDF you can save to your phone. There are links to many resources that easily click through!
**Prenatal Appt Pack for your meetings
Call times are in PST. Please make note when booking.
After you purchase- email me and we will figure out the best time!